Texto en Español:
El origen del alfabeto se remonta al sistema fenicio del segundo milenio antes de Cristo, del cual se derivan los sistemas modernos hebreo y árabe. El alfabeto griego, que surgió en 1000–900 aC, desarrolló dos ramas, el cirílico (que se convirtió en el guión del ruso) y el etrusco (del cual deriva el alfabeto romano utilizado en Occidente).
A principios del siglo XVI: del latín alfabetum tardío, del alfa griego, bēta, las dos primeras letras del alfabeto griego.
Texto en Ingles:
The origin of the alphabet goes back to the Phoenician system of the 2nd millennium BC, from which the modern Hebrew and Arabic systems are ultimately derived. The Greek alphabet, which emerged in 1000–900 BC, developed two branches, Cyrillic (which became the script of Russian) and Etruscan (from which derives the Roman alphabet used in the West)
The origin of the alphabet goes back to the Phoenician system of the 2nd millennium BC, from which the modern Hebrew and Arabic systems are ultimately derived. The Greek alphabet, which emerged in 1000–900 BC, developed two branches, Cyrillic (which became the script of Russian) and Etruscan (from which derives the Roman alphabet used in the West)
Early 16th century: from late Latin alphabetum, from Greek alpha, bēta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.
Autor: JEI
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